Saturday, March 21, 2009

Las Vegas Vacation March 4-7, 2009

Vacations end way too soon, don't they? If only life could be one big vacation all the time. Maybe then we would take a break from that to work every once in a while.

We went to Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada for a few days of relaxation and fun. It was a lot of fun and wanted to share a few photos with everyone.
Brandon and I rode the monorail and it was hilarious.
Long story, but this is Brandon trying to figure out where in the world we are supposed to exit this thing. LOL

Me on the Evil Knevil bike in the Wax museum

Brandon posing with Denzel in the Wax Museum
Brandon and I outside the Venetian Hotel. This is where they do the Gondola Rides. We ran out of time and were not able to go on one. Maybe next time.

My honey on one of the walkways and in the distance is the Encore Hotel.

This is the view from our room. We stayed in the Encore on the 50th floor.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Go Steelers!!!

If you know my husband then you also know that he is a HUGE Pittsburgh Steelers Fan! I mean for Christmas I had a custom Steelers chair made for him. He LOVED it. So if you listen to the news at all you should know that the Steelers are going to the Super Bowl. Brandon is ecstatic. He is so excited that the Steelers get another chance to earn yet another Super Bowl Ring. He is hilarious when they are playing. He gets very loud... and that is an understatement. When he starts to yell at the television the dogs tuck tail and run to the bathroom to hide. After the game he will call them back over and give them love so they know they are not in trouble. It really is hilarious.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Holidays, Family and the ever adorable Photos!

Doesn't everyone just love the holidays? All the gatherings, food, family, craziness and relief when it is all over with. I love taking pictures. Not that great at it, but love it just the same. Brandon's family knows if they have a gathering for any reason I will be there, camera in hand, ready to capture all the crazy moments. They have even made comments to Brandon about maybe not bringing my camera. Cracks me up... and I bring it anyway.

This is Brandon's Aunt and she is getting everything ready for Thanksgiving.

This is Brandon and his Mom. She got a Wii and on Thanksgiving day they are all playing the game. Was lots of fun and hilarious.

The weekend after Thanksgiving my brother and his family came down from Oklahoma. I love when they come down. This is the night they arrived and we are all sitting in my mother's living room chatting it up. This year was even more special in that my sister is rarely here and we were all able to be together.

This is me with Zackary and BreAnah. Those are my Brother's two youngest children. I love all the kids in the family and hope to one day add my own addition.

This is the day the family left. We bought a real tree for the first time in years, decorated it all together, and took photos before they all left. This is the siblings. Krissy, Rachel, Jerry, and myself. We are such a good lookin bunch of characters, aren't we? LOL
This is Krissy's daughter and my cousin Becky's daughter. They are so cute! The picture says it all...

The three most visible in this photo is my Aunt Liz (mommy's sister), her husband, Uncle Sonny (quite the character), and my Aunt Barbara (mommy's brothers wife). So, this is obviously my mom's side of the family. They are all crazy and I would not change them for anything. Love you guys.

The guys were so bored when we made them come in for gift giving time. Don't they look so excited to be there?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

More than words

My Gina...

My beautiful baby girl was born on January 1st, 1996. I was introduced to her in March of 1996 through a work friend. We instantly took to each other. She was just a tiny little thing. I remember she was so small that when she ate her feet would come up off the floor and she would balance on her front paws tettering over the food bowl. Her head was HUGE as a puppy. She did eventually grow into that head. She was a mommy, grandmommy, and on and on that goes.
On January 1st, 2009 it was her time to go on. She had been battling cancer over the last year and the cancer won. She was tiny and fragile and was too far progressed to have surgery. She was my baby. She has been with me for 13 wonderful years. She was with me through everything. She never cared what I looked like. If I had a bad day she was there to give kisses. When I was going through hard times she would play and cheer me up. When things were tough she never cared. Just so long as her mommy loved her. I miss her very much.
Of course when something dear to you is no longer there you think of all the things you could have done differently to prolong her life. I feel as though her death is my fault. She was so precious. I know time will heal the wounds and all I will remember are the good times we had over the years. Until then... I love you Nina 're!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Catching Up...

Since my last post there have been many things going on.

Nov. 6th my house was broken into and still trying to recover from that. Not so much the physical things, but the mental things that happen to a person when they are violated in this way.

Dec. 18th was my last day of school. I am done. That is until I decide to get a Masters Degree... Don't they just hand those things out when you pass a certain point in Student Loans? Guess I am not that lucky. Did you know that as long as you are a full time student loan payments are deferred? LOL

Dec. 25th... Christmas! I got a new camera! I love it. My Hubby is SOOOOO sweet. I had a Steelers chair made for him and his "Man room". I will have to post a photo for everyone to see.

Today is New Years Eve. What are my plans for the New Year? Well, I would like to lose weight first of all, take vacations, enjoy life and hopefully give life. All in God's timing though. No matter what happens I have my Husband beside me, behind me, and in front of me. I love you, baby!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

All your fault, Misty!

Hi World!

I have never done blogging before. I work in technology and know less than most about things like this. Probably because I have no time to really do this kind of thing...

Misty, my best friend, introduced me to her blog today and the site kind of drew me in. So here goes.